Giordano Vouchers - February 2025

Here, you'll always find the most recent vouchers, codes and offers of Giordano.

Giordano Deals - February 2025

Offers and savings opportunities at a glance

In the online shop you will find various offers that will enrich your everyday life. The shop is well structured and offers you many options to narrow down your search. You can filter your search by colour, price, type of wine, food recommendation or region. This will help you find offers that suit you. Thanks to the variety of offers, there is something for every occasion. You can also check the ratings so that you don’t take any risks. You can get an idea of the wine before you place an order.

Apart from that, you can save a lot of money. There are regular promotions and offers. Depending on the promotion, you can save up to 50%. There are also gift promotions to round off the shopping experience. You can subscribe to the Giordano newsletter to make sure you don’t miss out on any offers. When you subscribe to the newsletter, you even get five euros free for your first order.


Services that convince

As a customer, you benefit not only from the unique quality of the wines. The quality of service also leaves nothing to be desired. The supplier has been known for its excellent customer service for decades. If you have any questions, problems or suggestions, you can contact the customer service at any time. You can reach a member of staff from Monday to Friday between 8:00 and 20:00. On Saturday, the service is available from 8:00 to 18:00. In addition, you have the possibility to clarify your concerns by fax or e-mail. The staff are well trained to help you promptly.

Furthermore, you have the advantage that shipping is done directly through Giordano. This means you don’t have to deal with middlemen if problems arise. Giordano assumes complete liability for you. In case of damage or wrong delivery, you will receive a replacement delivery – free of charge, of course. Just get in touch with a member of staff. You can also pay for the wines within 14 days or send them back. This gives you enough time to check the goods.

Giordano Logo
800 2605 664
Giordano Vini S.p.A.
via Guido Cane 47 to-50
12055 Valle Talloria